Coğrafya Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Kıta sahanlığı: Teori ve uygulama boyutu bağlamında bir değerlendirme
    (2022) Tepealtı, Fahrettin
    Coğrafi bir kavram olan kıta sahanlığı, devletlerin denizel alanlardaki doğal kaynaklara ulaşma imkânı ve isteğinin artmasına bağlı olarak 1900’lü yılların başından itibaren uluslararası boyutta gündeme gelmeye başlamıştır. İlerleyen dönemde ise kıta sahanlığı sınırlandırmasının devletler arasında yeni bir rekabet alanına dönüşmesi, uluslararası düzenlemelerin yapılmasını gerekli kılmıştır. 1945 Truman Bildirisi, 1958 Cenevre Sözleşmesi ve 1982 Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (BMDHS), bu ihtiyacın gereği olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada kıta sahanlığı kavramı teori ve uygulama boyutları açısından incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın teori boyutunda yukarıda sözü edilen uluslararası düzenlemeler ele alınmış, uygulama boyutunda ise Birleşmiş Milletlerin başlıca adli organı statüsündeki Uluslararası Adalet Divanının kıta sahanlığı kaynaklı anlaşmazlıkları değerlendirirken dikkate aldığı kriterlerin yorumlanma biçimlerine yer verilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Investigating time dependent stress changes globally following large arthquakes (M≥7)
    (2021) Sünbül, Fatih
    Triggered earthquakes can cause disproportionate damages depend on their magnitudes. In fact, there is a causal link between the spatial distribution of those events and the stress changes induced by the mainshock. Co-seismic stress loading is one of the key factors in determination of triggering mechanism. However, the time lags ranging hours to years and the stress diffusion over wider areas cannot be evaluated with the co-seismic process alone. In some cases, the stress interactions for long periods and larger areas can be attributed to post-seismic viscoelastic relaxations. In this study, M?7 earthquakes from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GMCT) catalogue are modelled as dislocations to calculate shear stress changes on following earthquake nodal planes near enough to be triggered. The catalogue scanned for all other events (4.5
  • Öğe
    Spaces of social reproduction, mobility, and the Syrian refugee care crisis in Izmir, Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Acara, Eda; Özdemir, Sevim
    This article explores how European border management policies, together with Turkey's stratified citizenship system for Syrian refugees and Turkish nationalism, shape the urban daily lives of Syrian women refugees in Izmir, Turkey. In 2019 we conducted in-depth interviews and a mapping exercise with 20 Syrian refugee women in Izmir to explore how their urban mobility patterns and struggles to access spaces of social reproduction shape gendered and racialized relations within the city of Izmir. Most Syrian refugees live in extreme poverty and their encounters with public spaces in Izmir are shaped by a stratified citizenship system. Together with the profitability of the exploitation of immigrant labor, this system's neoliberal and patriarchal peculiarities place social reproduction duties on women's shoulders. Women's reproductive and care-giving responsibilities constitute the core of their relationship with the city and their cartographies of urban mobility. Turkey's ambiguous temporary protection regime combined with racialized nationalism produce gendered interior borders which shape Syrian women's their mobility and access to spaces of social reproduction, such as parks and hospitals, in the city of Izmir.
  • Öğe
    Landscape ecological evaluation of cultural patterns for the Istanbul urban landscape
    (Mdpi, 2022) Aksu, Gül Aslı; Tağıl, Şermin; Musaoğlu, Nebiye; Canatanoğlu, Emel Seyrek; Uzun, Adnan
    With the widespread population growth in cities, anthropogenic influences inevitably lead to natural disturbances. The metropolitan area of Istanbul, with its rapid urbanization rate, has faced intense pressure regarding the sustainability of urban habitats. In this context, landscapes comprising patches affected by various disturbances and undergoing temporal changes must be analyzed, in order to assess city-related disturbances. In this study, the main objective was to understand how urbanization changed the function of the spatial distribution of the urban mosaic and, more specifically, its relationship with the size, shape, and connection among land-use classes. For this purpose, we took Besiktas, a district of Istanbul, as the study area. We evaluated the landscape pattern of the urban environment in two stages. First, we used medium-resolution satellite imagery to reveal the general interactions in the urbanization process. Landscape- and class-level landscape metrics were selected to quantify the landscape connectivity, and the distances between classes (green areas and artificial surfaces), patterns, and processes, using five satellite images representing a time span of 51 years (1963, 1984, 1997, 2005, and 2014). The general landscape structure was examined by looking at the temporal-spatial processes of artificial surface and green areas obtained from these medium-resolution satellite images. The trends in selected landscape-level metrics were specified and discussed through the use of a moving window analysis. We then used Pleiades high-resolution satellite imagery (2015) to analyze the landscape structure in more detail. This high-resolution base image allows us to recognize the possibility of classifying basic cultural landscape classes. The findings regarding the spatial arrangement of each class in the areas allocated to 14 cultural landscape classes were interpreted by associating them with the landscape functions. Finally, particulate matter (PM10) concentration data were collected and evaluated as an ecological indicator, in order to reveal the relationships between landscape structure and landscape function. In short, we first evaluated the whole landscape structure using medium-resolution data, followed by the classification of cultural landscapes using high-resolution satellite imagery, providing a time-effective-and, therefore, essential-auxiliary method for landscape evaluation. This two-stage evaluation method enables inferences to be made that can shed light on the landscape functions in an urban environment based on the landscape structure.
  • Öğe
    Structural controls and hydrogeochemical properties of geothermal fields in the Varto
    (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2021) Uzelli, Taygun; Şener, Mehmet Furkan; Dölek, İskender; Baba, Alper; Sözbilir, Hasan; Dirik, Ramazan Kadir
    Varto and the surrounding region have important geothermal fields, developing in strike-slip tectonic setting in East Anatolia, which resulted from the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates. The main structural elements in the area are the NE-trending sinistral and NW-trending dextral strike-slip fault segments and N-S trending extension zones. In order to determine fault-controlled geothermal circulation, it is very important to fully characterize the structural elements in these complex environments. The widely distributed volcanic rocks have fracture and crack systems that play an important role in surface infiltration, geothermal fluid, and groundwater circulation. Especially in areas where the fault segments intersect, hot springs outlets and natural resources easily come to the surface. In order to understand the flow paths of geothermal fluid along the faults in these geothermal systems, it is necessary to determine the stress state of the faults and to map the distribution of the structural elements. For this reason, we conducted a detailed study on the Varto Fault Zone, which has important geothermal fields in Eastern Anatolia. We present conceptual models of the geothermal fields in the Varto region that show favorable geothermal activity on the intersecting fault segments, fault bends, step-overs, and accompanying fracture-crack sets. As a result, we emphasize that the planes of strike-slip faults in transtensional areas are more favorable for secondary permeability and enhances the geothermal fluid circulation, and this can be supported by hydrogeochemical data.
  • Öğe
    Urban sprawl in Nizip city: Assessing with remotely sensed and population data
    (2020) Sünbül, Fatih
    Based on Remote Sensing image processing and Geographic Information Systems analysis, population-dependent urban structures can be accurately monitored, analysed, and potential spatial or environmental problems restrained by professional land use management. In this study, the city of Nizip, located within the province of Gaziantep, was evaluated in this perspective and its development in the last thirty years was determined. The satellite images of 1990 and 2019 were evaluated within the framework of CORINE land classification system. The controlled classification method was implemented in the analysis and the city's growth rate and direction were determined while land cover changes were investigated both statistically and spatially. According to the analysis, residential areas in the study area, which were 555 ha in 1990, exceeded 1000 ha in 2019, due to industrialization and population growth. Urban sprawl was observed in NE and E directions. In addition, the bare lands of the city have been converted to dry agricultural lands in the last three decades which is supposedly due to long term climate effects. Along with the increasing industrialization movement in this period, the population increased by 30% on average in the central neighbourhoods. Migration from evacuated villages to the city centre following dam construction and water impoundment phases has increased the population. Rapid urbanization is also observed alongside newly built highways and motorways. Regarding increasing population movements in recent years, it is predicted that there could be spatial and environmental problems due to rapid and unplanned urbanization in Nizip city. It is stated that the elimination of these problems can be carried out through accurate and planned land use decision support systems.
  • Öğe
    Artçı depremler üzerinde oluşan gerilme değişimlerinin coğrafi ve istatistiksel dağılımlarının incelenmesi
    (2021) Sünbül, Fatih
    Deprem sırasında fay çevresinde oluşan statik gerilme değişiminin bir sonra meydana gelecek deprem veya depremlerin oluşumuna etki ettiği bilinmektedir. Bir depremin ardından oluşan ±0.1 bar (±0.01 MPa) mertebesindeki gerilme değişimi artçı şokların dağılımını etkileyebilmektedir. Halbuki büyük depremlerden sonra açığa çıkan daha büyük gerilmeler 200 km yarıçaplı bir alanda oluşacak artçı şok dağılımlarını mekânsal ve zamansal olarak da etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada Küresel Centroid Moment Tensör (CMT) kataloğundan seçilen 116 adet M?7 deprem kaynak olarak modellenerek çevresinde meydana getirdiği gerilme değişim alanlarına düşen artçı şok dağılımları incelenmiştir. Katalog üzerinde farklı zaman periyotlarında de test edilen analizlere göre, her bir ana deprem sonrası oluşan artçı şok dağılımı %58 ile %62 arasında gerilmenin arttığı alanlarda, %38 ile %42 arasında oluşan artçı şoklar ise, gerilme azalımı olan alanlarda meydana geldiği gözlenmiştir. Yapılan analizlere göre küresel çapta gerçekleşen gerilme difüzyonu ters faylanmalar vasıtasıyla gerçekleşmiştir. Depremler sonucunda oluşan artçı şokların %80’i ters faylanma mekanizmalı ana depremlerden meydana gelmektedir. Dolayısıyla, depremlerden sonra çevre faylarda meydana gelen gerilme değişimlerinin hesap edilmesiyle, sismik tehlike bölgeleri tespit edilebilmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Deprem etkileşimlerinde Coulomb Gerilme Kriteri değerlendirmesi; Doğu Anadolu Fay Hattı
    (2018) Sünbül, Fatih; Sünbül, Ayşe Bengü
    Türkiye’nin önemli fay zonlarından biri olan Doğu Anadolu Fay Zonu (DAFZ), içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda çok aktifgörünmemesine rağmen, tarihsel dönemlerde büyük depremler üretmiş bir fay zonudur. DAFZ’in yakın çevresinde büyük yerleşimbirimlerinin bulunması, dolayısıyla gelecekte meydana gelebilecek muhtemel bir depremin yerinin belirlenmesi önem arz etmektedir.Fayların içinde bulundukları gerilme durumları ve komşu faylara olan etkisi Coulomb gerilme kriteri ile modellenebilmekte, gerilmeninarttığı bölgeler tespit edilerek, gelecekte oluşabilecek bir deprem lokasyon olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada DAFZuzerinde 1822 yılından günümüze kadar meydana gelmiş orta ve büyük ölçekli depremler Coulomb kriteri kullanılarak modellenmişve incelenen depremlerin birbirleri ile olan ilişkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, lehva hareketlerine bağlı meydana gelen tektonik gerilmedeğişimleri analiz edilerek, bölgede deprem riski oluşturabilecek gerilmenin yüksek olduğu alanlar incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgularagöre; modellenen 18 depremden 12 tanesi oluşumları itibariyle gerilme ilişkileri tespit edilmiş ve bir anlamda birbirlerini tetiklemişlerdir.Geçmiş yıllarda araştırmacılar tarafından gerilme artışı saptanan Elazığ-Bingöl arasındaki segmentin 2003 Bingöl ve 2010 Elazığdepremlerinden sonra kısmen deprem riski taşımadıgı da tespit edilmiştir. Inceleme alanında yer alan Kahramanmaraş-Malatya illeriarasında yer alan segmentte hem deprem tetiklemelerinden, hem de tektonik hareketlerden kaynaklı bir gerilme artışı tespit edilerek,deprem riskinin yüksek olduğu alan olarak çalışmada belirlenmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Van ili çevresi kabuk deformasyon analizi ve deprem tehlike değerlendirmesi
    (2021) Sünbül, Fatih; Aslan, Hüseyin Mert; Karadeniz, Enes
    Van ili ve çevresi, bölgesinde var olan güçlü tektonik hareketler ve deformasyonların etkisi altındadır. Bu deformasyonların esas kaynağını Arabistan levhasının Anadolu levhasına göre göreceli kuzey ve kuzey batı yönlü hareketi oluşturur. Bu bağıl hareket sonucunda Bitlis Zagros Kenet Kuşağı, Doğu Anadolu ve Kuzey Anadolu Fay sistemleri bölgenin depremselliğinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bölgede var olan gerilme analizlerinin belirlenmesi, Van ili ve çevresinde oluşacak deprem tehlikesini daha net ortaya çıkaracaktır. Bu bağlamda bölgede var olan GPS verileri ve Global CMT kataloğundan elde edilen depremsellik verileri kullanılarak çalışma alanında deformasyon oranı tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre çalışma alanında 40 n gerinim/yıl deformasyon alanı elde edilmiş, bölgesel gerilim içerisindeki bu küçük KB-GD sıkışma bileşeninin, 2011 Van depreminde olduğu gibi deprem mekanizmasında beklenenden daha büyük bir rol oynayabileceği saptanmıştır. Bölgede hâkim olan dilatasyon mekanizması incelendiğinde ise; Van ili ve çevresinde 25 n gerinim/yıl olan kesme bileşeni Karlıova bölgesine yaklaşıldıkça 170 n gerinim/yıl mertebesine erişmektedir. 2003 yılında bu bölgede meydana gelen Mw 6.4 Bingöl depreminin sağ yanal bir yapıda olması, Kuzey Anadolu Fay mekanizmasının Van ili civarına kadar uzanabileceğini işaret etmektedir. Bu alanda meydana gelebilecek büyük ölçekte deprem, Van Ovası’nda yerel zemin koşullarına bağlı olarak, yerleşim yerlerinde potansiyel tehlike oluşturabileceği ön görülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Stability analysis of a landslide: A view with implications of microstructural soil characters
    (Springer India, 2021) Sünbül, Fatih; Haner, Büent; Mungan, Hüseyin; Akarsu, Veli; Sünbül Güner, Ayşe Bengü; Temiz, Cengiz
    The 2015 Devrek landslide is one of the largest and most puzzling features on the Devrek-Eregli Highway in Zonguldak Province, in the north-west of Turkey. The landslide which was activated in March, was about 700 m long, 110 m wide with a volume of 1,100,000 m(3). In order to assess the landslide hazard in a systematic way, we have employed several techniques such as geotechnical, microstructural and finite elements (FE) modelling. X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence studies show low clay content in the crown section and the amounts of illite and sepiolite do not exceed 25% where there is detrital sand indicating that there is continuous sliding activity. The main sliding body demonstrates implications of liquefaction according to the amount of fine sand and clay obtained by laboratory measurements. The most active clay group prevailing the landslide formation are illite and sepiolite. Furthermore, rounded fine quarts have increased sliding and rolling activity risk according to their physical structures combined with high-seasonal rainfall rate. The FE method was used for both static and dynamic slope stability investigations. Since the landslide region are in a very active tectonic region, earthquake-triggered landsliding strongly correlates with measured peak ground acceleration. Therefore, we have tested the model in numerical dynamic analysis, and the results show a deterioration in landslide stability during seismic loading which puts the study area at risk. All analysis carried out for the landslide assessment shows a continued landslide hazard for the residential areas close to the landslide foot zone.
  • Öğe
    An assessment of urban sprawl in Northern Sakarya Province following the 1999 earthquake, NW Turkey
    (Springer, 2019) Sünbül, Fatih
    Quantifying and monitoring the spatial and temporal dynamics of the land use/land cover (LULC) in a given region are critical for better characterizing land use generally, including that for social, economic and environmental purposes. Urbanization plays a key role in modifying land cover and has a widespread impact on the environment, where uncontrolled urban sprawl also leads to disruption of landscapes and habitat and degradation in biodiversity. Monitoring continuous LULC changes can provide helpful insights for decision makers of future planning, in terms of establishing robust land use management planning. However, urban growth is very complex phenomenon and hard to control under unpredictable disasters such as earthquakes. Here, we have focused on Sakarya Province in order to assess LULC change in the city following the 1999 Kocaeli earthquake. For this purpose, three Landsat satellite images were used covering the last two decades. Segmentation process and supervised classification of images were also employed. In the whole study region following the 1999 destructive earthquake, the image analysis result shows that the significant transformation in land use developed in the settlement area from 1291.5 to 1516.3 ha (up to 17.4% in ratio) due to migration. According to the results, a decrease of 21.2% was recorded in forest areas from 3505.7 to 2761.3 ha and a decrease of 15.8% was recorded in inland wetlands from 120.5 to 101.0 ha. In contrast, we have estimated an increase in agricultural areas from 63.2 to 67.2 ha (6.3% in ratio) despite a slight decrease in the 2008-2016 periods. In conclusion, we have observed a northern urban sprawl in the area where the natural balance is estimated to deteriorate in the coming years.
  • Öğe
    Time-dependent stress increase along the major faults in eastern Turkey
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019) Sünbül, Fatih
    The co-seismic, and post-seismic effects of 18 earthquakes that occurred since 1822 were modelled in conjunction with a regionally variable secular inter-seismic effect in order to investigate how the Coulomb stress field in the eastern part of the North Anatolian and the East Anatolian Fault Zones, have evolved over the past two centuries. Results show that viscoelastic post-seismic relaxations caused by the 1939 Ms 7.9 Erzincan earthquake is still strong and influencing the seismic activity in the region. Post-seismic effects have increased the stress on the Yedisu segment as much as 5.3 bars, whereas supressed stress on the Kahramanmaras-Malatya segment. In general, increases in stress due to viscous-elastic effects are comparable, or in certain cases even larger than the increases in stress caused by co-seismic deformations. This indicates that the additional stress changes derived from viscoelastic deformations could be significant and should be taken into consideration when assessing seismic hazard along the active seismic zones. Two regions are identified as having high positive Coulomb stress changes therefore high seismic hazard; a segment close to Bingol Province in the East Anatolian Fault Zone and the Yedisu segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone.
  • Öğe
    Geochemical proxies and formation mechanism of Hatay (Baslamis) travertine and relation with Dead Sea Fault Zone (S-Turkey)
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021) Şener, Mehmet Furkan; Yiğit, Banu; Şener, Mehmet
    This study is the first investigation of the Baslamis(Hatay) travertines formed in the northern part of the left-lateral strike-slip Dead Sea Fault Zone. In this study, Baslamis travertines are examined in terms of structural, mineralogical and formation mechanism by conducting geochemical, hydrogeochemical and facies analysis. The Baslamis travertine occurrences are characterized by successions of terraces and pools developed in slope depositional system, mound depositional system and depression depositional system. The travertines have been classified into five lithotypes, namely: laminated, coated bubble, reed, intraclasts and micritic travertine. According to the thin section, XRD, SEM and EDX analysis, the Baslamis travertines are divided into two groups, the first group contains aragonite and secondary minerals such as silica and clay minerals, while the second group consists only of calcite minerals, therefore, the travertines are morphologically classified as aragonite-bearing travertines and massive calcite bearing travertines. The negative correlation between Ca and Sr abundances in travertine samples indicates that some Ca was replaced by Sr in the calcite lattice. Relatively rich trace element content in the Baslamis travertines is attributed to leaching of the underlying gabbro and limestone. Higher concentrations of some of the elements were probably the result of diagenetic processes and syngenetic mineralization. The Baslamis travertines are defined as meteogene travertine deposits and are fed with meteoric-origin waters along Dead Sea Fault Zone in terms of hydrogeochemical results. The conceptual model of the Baslamis travertine shows that the travertines are formed by precipitation of dissolving the limestone. The heat source of the geothermal fluid forming the travertines is of tectonic origin.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface water of the İnegol plain, Turkey, using spatiotemporal variation characteristics
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2019) Menteşe, Serpil; Tağıl, Şermin
    The availability of safe water is as important as the water crisis, due to various types of pollutants in water. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the concentrations and to characterize the spatial distribution of Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn heavy metals in surface waters of the Inegol Plain in both winter and summer periods. We use ordinary kriging interpolation technique to estimate a variable at an unmeasured location using observed values at nearby locations, and indicator kriging to map the probability of heavy metals to exceed the threshold fixed by the Turkey Water Pollution Control Regulation (SKKY). The concentrations of heavy metals in surface water show substantial seasonal differences in summer and winter in the Inegol Plain. Cr, Fe, Pb and Zn concentrations were recorded within the permissible limits throughout the plain. However, according to the background value of Cu, Mn and Ni, results show that the water in the area is under high pollution risk from these pollutants, particularly in areas distributed around the industrial areas. It is evident from the study that heavy metal concentrations were higher in water samples in the vicinity of hot water industries and of the Inegol Organized Industrial Zone.
  • Öğe
    Watershed management based on ecological risk characterization in Bakırçay watershed
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2019) Danacıoğlu, Şevki; Tağıl, Şermin
    The watershed management process requires a management approach that considers the basic principles of ecology, socio-cultural and natural systems, and also considers ecological risk elements in the watershed area. Ecological risk assessment in watershed management is a necessary process to collect, organize and present the scientific knowledge needed for environmental management decisions. In this context, the aim of this study is to establish a model for the data-information transformation process, needed in watershed management, by characterization of natural and human risk elements in Bakircay Watershed scale. Population change, meteorological drought, land cover and land-use change, wildfire potential and erosion have been evaluated as having potential to create ecological risk in the Bakircay Watershed. Spatial scale is determined as 30x30 meters and temporal scale is determined to be 1985-2013 in this study. The evaluation of ecological risk has been determined by multi-criteria analysis, analytic hierarchy process and character analysis approaches. The results show that the highest pressure on the ecological elements in the watershed is around the cities of Soma and Bergama because of the mining activities and population. It is thought that the applied model outputs can be questioned, developed and shaped towards the needs of the stakeholders.
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    Mapping investigation based on engineering geology of a developing urban area (Nigde, Turkey)
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2021) Çelik, Fatih; Öztürk, Muhammed Zeynel; Şener, Mehmet Furkan; Arioz, Ömer; Erbil, Merve
    Definitions of urban geological environments are usually required to provide information about an engineering basis for planners and design engineers to prepare a rational land use planning and developing urban areas. Therefore, the geological mapping investigation method can be a beneficial way of defining urban geological environments visually. In this study, the Engineering Geological Mapping Method (EGMM) was used to investigate and present the geotechnical and geological data obtained from Nigde city of Turkey. Around forty-five unpublished reports that were obtained from the construction work done around the study area were evaluated as detail. Then, the study area was divided into five different regions which were considered their geological characteristics. In each region, nine unpublished reports were selected and analyzed for interpreting the data and plotting the geotechnical and geological maps. The main indispensable parameters for geotechnical design engineers were drawn by using the data obtained from the different boreholes for Nigde city. These drawn maps by GIS technic: (1) groundwater table, (2) liquefaction zone, (3) plasticity index, (4) bearing capacity, (5) soil classification, and (6) SPT results. For preparing the maps, two types of interpolation methods were used (minimum curvature and Voronoi polygons methods). The Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to rearrange and control all this information and to prepare engineering geotechnical and geological maps. As a result, the Engineering Geological Mapping Method applied for this study is to show more crucial for preventing mistakes making in practical works during preparing urban extension planning for developing cities in the future.
  • Öğe
    Social capital and regional development in Turkey
    (Wiley, 2021) Arslan, Hüseyin Mert; Duran, Hasan Engin
    This paper aims to improve the shortcomings of the empirical literature on regional social capital. The following three research questions are addressed: (i) do regional social capital and economic growth have an endoneous (circular) relationship as opposed to the exogenous one-way relationship assumed in the literature; (ii) What are the socio-economic and demographic determinants of cross-regional variation in social capital? And (iii) Are spatial spillovers relevant in the analysis of these questions? Empirically, we pursue the analysis for 81 Turkish provinces in 2015. Indeed, regional social capital in Turkey is far less studied than country-level social capital. The methodology adopted includes kernel density estimates, ordinary least squares, three stage least squares, and spatial error models. In terms of the obtained results, First, regional social capital is heterogenously distributed across regions. Second, social capital has no significant impact on economic growth but the growth induces the generation of social capital (in social norms). This represents a first result of reserve causality in the literature. Third, a typical province that has high social capital is the one with relatively high income, more even income distribution, low unemployment, big households and older age profile. Fourth, there is the evidence of spatial dependence that should be incorporated in empirical analyses.
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    Hücresel Özişlem Yöntemi ile İzmir Körfez Tüp Geçiş Projesinin rant artışına etkisinin tahminlemesi: İnciraltı Örneği
    (2020) Aslan, Hüseyin Mert; Duvarcı, Yavuz
    Bir kentin zaman içerisinde uğradığı değişimin, gelişme yönününve arazi kullanımlarındaki değişim eğilimlerinin simülasyonlarlabelirlenmesi ile geleceğe yönelik tahminler yapmak etkili bir planlama çalışmasında oldukça önemlidir. Mevcut literatürde, kentlerin çevreye yayılımı; Hücresel Özişlem, Çok Ajanlı Sistemler,Yapay Sinir Ağları gibi karmaşık sistem modelleme teknikleri ilemodellenmektedir. Hücresel Özişlem bu yöntemlerin en çok uygulananlarından biridir. Kentsel mekanın zamanda uğradığı değişim ve CBS’de Hücresel Özişlem (HÖ) yöntemiyle tahminlenmesi önemi artan bir konu olmuştur. Ülkemiz gündeminde yer alanköprü, tüp geçit, vb. projelerin kendileri kadar önemli ekonomik,sosyal ve çevresel etkileri vardır. Özellikle bu tür mega-projelerinkentsel rantlara olduğu kadar, planlama süreçlerine de olumlu/olumsuz ikincil ve sinerjik etkileri bulunmaktadır. Bu tür etkileringelecekte ne olacağı da planlama açısından aynı derecede önemlidir. Ancak, mega-projelerin kentsel ranta söz konusu yöntemleetkisinin ele alınması oldukça yenidir. Rayiç bedel ve rantı belirleyen parametreler hakkında emlakçı görüşleri veri alınarak İzmirİnciraltı’ndan geçmesi planlanan İzmir Körfez Tüp Geçiş Projesinin (İKTG) HÖ ile üç olası senaryo bazında ve 2016’dan sonrabeşer yıllık dönemlerde rant etkileri simüle edilmiştir. Yönteminişleyiş sınaması yapılmış, İnciraltı bölgesindeki rantların geleceğeilişkin verisi üretilmiştir. İKTG’nin, bölgenin hangi noktalarına güçlü etkide bulunabileceği gözlemlenmiştir. Böylece, büyük projelerin olası rant etkisi ile ilgili planlamanın yararlanabileceği ve ilerideyazılıma dönüştürülebilecek elverişli bir araç geliştirilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Determination of land degradation according to land use types: a case study from the Gulf of Edremit, Turkey
    (2020) Alevkayalı, Çağan; Tağıl, Şermin
    Land degradation has a long history and a significant effect on land management. Long-term changes in land use are among the important mechanisms of the land degradation process. According to the land use evolution, the main goal of this study is to determine the level of land degradation within the land use types by using the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Index, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in the Gulf of Edremit. The methods presented in this study can easily be applied to identify forces driving the land degradation from a small basin to regional scale for mitigation of desertification in sub-humid Mediterranean environmental conditions. The ESAs are calculated according to land use types within the context of soil, climate, vegetation, and management, through their special characteristics, and their interactions with each other. The main results, assessed with the proposed land degradation, showed that approximately 30% of the total study area is critically sensitive to degradation, and 50% of the study area is fragile. The ratio of critical areas in settlement areas and agricultural areas was found to be quite high, especially in coastal areas. The most striking result is that one-half of the forests were found to be fragile. The spatial variability of land degradation should be an important component of land use management to ensure environmental sustainability, especially in the Aegean coastal area.
  • Öğe
    Edremit Körfezi’nde tarımsal arazi kullanımı uygunluk düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi
    (2020) Alevkayalı, Çağan; Tağıl, Şermin
    Tarımsal üretim, insanların besin ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaya yönelik geçmişten bu yana süre gelen faaliyetleri ifade etmektedir. Tarımsal üretim süreci birçokaşamada arazi ile etkileşime girmektedir. Arazi ve tarım arasındaki ilişki özellikle üretim açısından ön plana çıkmaktadır. Böylece tarımsal üretimin devamlılığıarazinin uygun biçimde kullanılmasıyla yakından ilişkilidir. Kısaca tarımda sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanması doğru arazi kullanımına bağlıdır. Bu çalışmanınamacı Edremit Körfezi ve çevresinde ekili arazilerin tarımsal faaliyetlere uygunluk düzeylerinin çeşitli kriterler açısından belirlemesi ve elde edilen sonuçlarınmevcut arazi kullanımları ile karşılaştırılmasıdır. Tarıma uygun alanların belirlenmesi için Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri tabanlı Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV)analizlerinden Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci’nden (AHS) yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular çalışma alanı sınırlarında tarıma çok uygun olduğu belirlenenbölgede yani verimli tarım arazileri üzerinde birçok yerleşmenin kurulduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca orman alanı ile tarıma elverişli olduğu tespit edilenalan arasında, bozuk koru ve ekili alanlardan oluşan bir geçiş bölgesi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çevresel parametreler arazi uygunluk seviyelerinin belirlenmesikonusunda dikkate alındığında çalışma alanı içerisinde ekili tarım alanlarının üst sınırlarına ulaştığı görülmektedir. Böylece gün geçtikçe artan gıdaihtiyacının karşılanması kaçınılmaz olduğu göz önünde bulundurulduğu takdirde orman arazilerinin tarım arazilerine dönüşme riski ile karşı karşıya olduğuanlaşılmaktadır. Edremit Körfezi’ndeki tarım alanlarının potansiyeline uygun olarak kullanılması tarımsal verimliliğin artmasında olumlu etkiler yaratmaktadır.Ayrıca tarım arazilerden uygunluk düzeyleri kapsamında yararlanılması birçok ekosisteme ev sahipliği yapan orman örtüsünün zarar görmesinin önünegeçilmesi konusunda kilit bir rol oynamaktadır