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  • Öğe
    Koklear implant topluluğunda sosyal medya olanaklarının kullanımına yönelik bir çalışma: İçerik analizi
    (2021) Şenli, Fahrettin Deniz; Tuz, Deniz; Ertürk, Pınar
    Amaç: Koklear implant (Kİ) aday ve kullanıcılarının, sosyal medyayı bilgi edinme ve paylaşma amacı ile nasıl kullandıklarının araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada, Kİ ile ilgili çevrim içi sosyal medya kaynakları hakkında içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Sosyal medya kaynakları Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, bloglar ve çevrim içi forumlarını içermektedir. Google arama motoruna ve sosyal medya kaynaklarına, “koklear implant”, “biyonik kulak”, “koklear implant ve forum”, “biyonik kulak ve forum”, “koklear implant ve blog” ve “biyonik kulak ve blog” arama terimleri girilmiş, çıkan sosyal medya platformları ve internet siteleri incelenmiştir. Her kaynağın kullanımının sınıflaması, çalışmamızda tanımladığımız 5 fonksiyonel kategoriden biri veya birkaçı belirlenerek yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Sosyal medya platformlarından 11 Facebook grubu, 7 Facebook sayfası, 33 Twitter hesabı, 108 YouTube videosu ve web sitelerinden 2 forum olmak üzere dâhil edilme kriterlerini karşılayan 161 kaynak tespit edilmiştir. Sosyal medya platformunda, en fazla genel bilgi/destek ve kişisel hikâye sınıflamasında paylaşım yapılmıştır. Facebook platformunda genel bilgi ve destek ile ilgili paylaşımlar öne çıkmıştır. Twitter platformunda, hastane hesapları en yüksek takipçiye sahip olmuştur. En yüksek sosyal medya etkinliği, YouTube platformunda belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Kİ topluluğu, çeşitli çevrim içi sosyal medya kaynaklarını genel bilgi, destek, rehabilitasyon bilgileri ve kişisel deneyimlerin paylaşımı için kullanmıştır. Bu bilgiler uzmanlara, gerek hastanın ihtiyacı olan desteği sağlaması için yönlendirmede gerekse hastayı bilgilendirme konusunda yol gösterici olacaktır.
  • Öğe
    How the child with hearing loss and their parents affected during the Covid-19 pandemic?
    (Georg Thieme Verlag, 2022) Tuz Deniz; Aslan Filiz; Yücel Esra
    Purpose: This study aimed to determine parents' perception of the behavioral and auditory performance differences of children with hearing loss and anxiety levels of children and their parents during the pandemic. Research Design: This is a cross-sectional study. Study Sample: The study included 75 parents who have preschool-aged children with hearing loss. The inclusion criteria were being a family member of a child with hearing loss between the ages of one and six years. The children's mean age was 4.09 (± 1.42). Data Collection and Analysis: The evaluation forms included the control list to determine how the children with hearing loss and their parents were affected during the pandemic, the Parents' Evaluation of Aural Performance of Children rating scale to measure children's auditory performance, the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire to assess behavior problems, the Preschool Anxiety Scale parental form, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory state form to measure the stress level of children and their parents. Parents were asked to fill out all forms. The Wilcoxon test was used to compare before and during the pandemic scores of PEACH and PBQ. Descriptive statistics on the levels of anxiety throughout families and children were presented. The Spearman test was used to examine the relationship between the effect of pandemic and other variables. Results: There was a difference in the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire scores before and during the pandemic but not in the Parents' Evaluation of Aural Performance of Children scores. The PBQ significantly increased during the pandemic, with 49% of children exhibiting out-of-the-ordinary behavior. The mean score of the Preschool Anxiety Scale-Parental form was 26.65± 19.05. Among all parents, 66% of them showed high levels of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory state. As before- A nd during-pandemic the Parents' Evaluation of Aural Performance of Children scores decreased, the children and their families were negatively affected during the pandemic. Conclusion: Parents' perspectives provided information on behavioral changes in children with hearing loss. Even though they did not report any difference in their children's auditory perception performance, long-term effects of limited or no auditory training should be studied. © 2022 American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of playfulness and motivation in pre-school and primary school children with hearing loss
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Kent, Ali Erman; Tuz, Deniz
    The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of playfulness and motivation of children with hearing loss in preschool and primary school based on their auditory perception levels. This study included 84 children with hearing loss aged 3-8 years and 50 normal-hearing children with similar demographic characteristics (the control group). The auditory perception levels of children with hearing loss were evaluated with the Parents' Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH) scale. Children with hearing loss were divided into two groups as PEACH well and PEACH worse. The three groups were compared with each other using the 'Children's Playfulness Scale' (CPS) and the 'The Motivation Scale for Preschool Children ' (MSPC). Individuals in the PEACH worse group had lower CPS and MSPC scores than those in the PEACH well and normal groups. it is useful to evaluate the children's playfulness and motivations in order to plan appropriate auditory rehabilitation strategies for children with hearing loss.
  • Öğe
    Factors affecting phoneme discrimination in children with sequential bilateral cochlear implants
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) Uzun, Erva Değirmenci; Batuk, Merve Özbal; Sennaroğlu, Gonca; Sennaroğlu, Levent
    Objectives To investigate the effects of a number of variables on phoneme discrimination (PD) performance in children with sequential bilateral cochlear implants (SeqBiCIs) and compare PD performance between the 2 implantation sides and between children with bilateral cochlear implants (BiCIs) and their age-matched peers with normal hearing (NH). Design All participants completed the Auditory Speech Sound Evaluation Phoneme Discrimination Test. Study sample The sample included 23 children with SeqBiCIs as the study group and 23 with NH as the control group. Results A significant difference was found between the scores of the two groups under the CI1 and CI2 conditions (p = 0.001), CI1 and BiCI conditions (p = 0.002), and CI2 and BiCI conditions (p = 0.001). PD scores with CI1 significantly depend on age at CI1 and duration of bilateral use. PD scores with CI1 were significant predictors of PD performance with CI2. Duration of BiCI use was a significant predictor of PD scores with BiCI. Conclusions The age at CI1 and the duration of bilateral cochlear implant use were found to improve phoneme discrimination performance in children with a sequential bilateral cochlear implant. According to the success of the CI1, it is possible to predict the success of CI2 use.
  • Öğe
    Developing the computer-based auditory training program for adults with hearing impairment
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2021) Tuz, Deniz; Işıkhan, Selen Yılmaz; Yücel, Esra
    Although it is known that auditory training is essential for hearing-impaired individuals, patients do not willingly participate in auditory training sessions, because individual training is a time-consuming and costly process. Computer-based auditory training programs are under development for reducing the cost and time. The aim of this study is to develop a computer-based auditory training program and to evaluate the usability of the program by applying it to adults with normal hearing indifferent age groups and professions. The developed auditory training program consists of nine modules: identification, discrimination, recognition, auditory closure, comprehension, auditory sequencing, phonological awareness, auditory memory, and attention. Forty adults (age ranges of 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, and 55-65 years), nine audiologists, and one software engineer were included in this study. The computer-based auditory training program was applied to all individuals. An evaluation form was filled out by the participants to evaluate the usability of and satisfaction with the program, and the average performances of the individuals were calculated for each module. The form measures five usability subscales: ease of use, comprehensibility, design, satisfaction, and motivation. The professionals evaluated the program and found it to be quite positive in terms of design, ease of use, motivation, and comprehensibility, and positive in terms of the satisfaction subscale. The participants evaluated all factors and found them to be quite positive. There were no statistically significant differences between the gender, age, and computer use groups in terms of the average performance value of the modules (p > 0.05). However, a significant difference was found in the average performance for the auditory sequencing module considering the educational status of individuals (p = 0.019). Furthermore, it was determined that computer experience (> 5 years) and having a personal computer have a significant effect on auditory memory (p = 0.049) and identification (p = 0.027). These results show that the instructions and information used in the program are clear and understandable, the colors and texts used in the program are readable, the program is easy to use, and the individuals are not disturbed by the sounds used in the program. However, it would be valuable to apply it to individuals with hearing losses to evaluate the efficacy of the program.
  • Öğe
    Koklear implant sistemlerinde sinyal işlemleme stratejileri: Literatür derlemesi
    (2021) Batuk, Merve Özbal; Uzun, Erva Değirmenci; Koska, Betül; Özses, Merve; Özbaş, Öykü
    Koklear implantlar, işitme kaybı olması durumunda ve konvansiyonelişitme cihazlarının yetersiz kaldığı durumlarda işitmenin rehabilitasyonuiçin kullanılmaktadır. Koklear implant teknolojileri hızlı birşekilde gelişmektedir. Sinyal işlemleme ve konuşma kodlama stratejileriise bu teknolojilerin gelişiminde başlıca ilgi duyulan konular arasındayer almaktadır. Koklear implant elektrotlarının sınırlı uyarımı gözönünde bulundurularak, kullanıcılarına mümkün olan en net ve en doğalsesi sunmayı amaçlayan çeşitli sinyal işlemleme stratejileri geliştirilmiştir.Bu derlemenin amacı, farklı firmalara ait konuşma işleme stratejileridetaylı bir şekilde incelemektir. Literatürde bu konuda yer alanbilgiler ışığında, farklı stratejilerinin konuşma algısı sonuçları üzerindekietkilerinin değişkenlik göstermektedir. Koklear implant kullanıcılarındaen iyi performansı elde etmek için ortak bir strateji belirlemekyerine, işitsel gelişim ve bireysel ihtiyaçlar göz önünde bulundurularakkişiye uygun bir strateji belirlemek, uygun programlama parametreleriylekullanıcının gelişimini desteklemek ve konuşma algısı çıktılarınıobjektif test yöntemleriyle takip etmek büyük önem arz etmektedir.
  • Öğe
    What are the challenges of teaching children with hearing loss during the COVID-19?
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021) Aslan, Filiz; Tuz, Deniz; Yücel, Esra
    This study aimed to determine the difficulties of teaching children with hearing loss in the special education centre during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey. Sixty-three professionals who works children with hearing loss participated in this study. The demographic form included personal information about the professional' and a checklist to determine the effects of the Pandemic on special education. Lastly, the professionals and the teachers completed 'The Special Education Teachers' Sense of Professional Self-Efficacy Scale'. An email or a phone message was sent to potential participants, and interested individuals were requested to complete an online questionnaire by clicking on a link that led them to a secure online data collection service (Google Forms). Statistically significant relationships were determined between professionals using virtual communication tools in the distance education, contact with their students, continuing the rehabilitation with them and providing consultancy support to their parents. While a positive correlation was observed between the professionals contacted with their students during the Pandemic, evaluating their students' development, a negative correlation was found between their competencies to meet their rehabilitation needs and their counselling needs for families. Special education specialists should be supported under special conditions such as the Pandemic and informed about telerehabilitation options.