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  • Öğe
    Secondary rotator cuff insufficiency after anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty
    (Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc., 2023) Ardebol J.; Pak T.; Kılıç, Ali İhsan; Hwang S.; Menendez M.E.; Denard P.J.
    »Secondary rotator cuff insufficiency is a challenging complication after anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty.»Acute tears may be amenable to open or arthroscopic repair in some instances.»Chronic attritional tears are best managed with revision to reverse shoulder arthroplasty, especially in the elderly.»Increased glenoid inclination, larger critical shoulder angle, oversized humeral components, thicker glenoid components, and rotator cuff muscle fatty infiltration have all shown to contribute to tear risk. © 2023 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Inc.. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Yanıkta plastik cerrahi ve rekonstrüksiyon
    (2022) Karatan, Berrak
    Yanıklar, ciddi morbidite ve mortaliteye sebep olabilen yaralanmalardır. Günümüzde gelişmiş yanık tedavileri ile yanığa bağlı bu morbidite ve mortalite oranları düşse de, yanık hastalarında fonksiyonel ve estetik kayıplar hala önemli bir sorun olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Yanık hastalarında cilt ile ilgili komplikasyonlar, eklemler ve organların hareketlerini engelle mekte, ağrı ile birlikte ciddi şekil bozuklukları ve kontraktürlere sebep olmaktadır. Yanık yaralan malarından sonra erken dönemde debridman, greftleme ve fizik tedavi ile kontraktürlerin görüme sıklığı ve rekonstrüksiyon ihtiyacı azalmaktadır. Yanık rekonstrüksiyonu, kraniyofasiyal cerrahiden el cerrahisine, mikrocerrahiden nakillere kadar Plastik Cerrahi’nin her alanını kapsamaktadır. Rekonstrüksiyonda kontraktür açılması ve deri grefti uygulaması gibi cerrahilerin yanı sıra mikrocerrahi girişimler gibi komplike operasyonlar gerekebilmektedir. Teknolojinin ilerlemesi ile birlikte, yeni geliştirilen dermal iskeletler, bazı hastalarda komplike girişimlerin yerine geçmiş; lazer uygulamalarıyla ciddi hipertrofik skarlarda yüz güldürücü sonuçlar elde edilmiştir
  • Öğe
    Üriner sistem taş hastalığı nedeniyle ekstrakorporeal şok dalga litotripsi (ESWL) uygulanan hastalarda ağrının tedavi başarısı üzerine etkisi
    (2022) Çağlayan, Alper; Horsanalı, Burcu Özalp; Horsanalı, Mustafa Ozan
    Giriş: Çalışmamızda ekstrakorporeal şok dalga litotripsi (ESWL) işlemi sırasında vizüel ağrı skoru (VAS) ile değerlendirilen ağrı skorunun böbrek taşı tanısı alan hastalarda uygulanan ESWL başarısına etkisini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma Ocak 2020- Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında üst üriner sistem taşı tanısı konulan ve bu sebeple ilk defa ESWL tedavisi alan 160 hastanın verileri retrospektif incelenerek gerçekleştirildi. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, radyolojik görüntülemede üriner sistem taşının özellikleri ve işlem esnasında kaydedilen vizüel ağrı skorları kaydedildi. Hastalar ESWL tedavisi sonrası yapılan kontrollerinde taşsızlık sağlanan ve rezidü taş izlenen hastalar olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılarak gruplar istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: 101 (%63.1) hastada ESWL tedavisi ile taşsızlık sağlandı. ESWL tedavisinin başarı oranı %63.1 olarak hesaplandı. Hastaların sırasıyla ortalama taş boyutu, taş-cilt mesafesi ve taş yoğunluğu; 11.41±3.79 mm, 108.12±19.48 mm ve 1024.51±322.59 Hounsfield Unit (HU) olarak hesaplandı. Ortalama VAS ise 5.22±2.64 idi. Lojistik regresyon analizi sonucunda ESWL başarısında taş boyutu ve ağrı skorunun bağımsız risk faktörleri olduğu görüldü. Sonuç: ESWL üriner sistem taşlarının tedavisinde etkili bir yöntemdir. Taş boyutunun artması ve işlem sırasında izlenen yüksek VAS’nun ESWL başarısında rol oynayan en önemli risk faktörleri olduğunu ortaya koyduk. ESWL esnasında başarılı ağrı kontrolü ile tedavi başarı oranının artacağını düşünmekteyiz.
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    Repair of A recurrent upper extremity pseudoaneurysm secondary to glass laceration in a 4 years old girl
    (2021) Bozdoğan, Deniz; Çalışkan, Aytaç
    Pseudoaneurysm (PA) of radial artery is rare especially in the children. The real incidence is unknown, probably because these lesions are seldom reported, especially in children. In this case report, we aimed to share our experience on this subject.
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    Risk factors and prevalance of postpartum depression during the COVID-19 pandemic ın a universıty hospital in western Turkey: a crosssectional study
    (2022) Kurtulmuş, Seçil; Şahin, Zekiye; Güleç, Ebru Şahin; Adıyaman, Duygu; Öztekin, Deniz
    Aim: This study aimed to examine the prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in a university hospital in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from November 2020 to December 2020. Totally 517 women, who are all in the first month of the postpartum period were evaluated by using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). A total score equal to or above 13 was accepted as PPD. Multivariant regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with PPD during the pandemic. Results: The prevalence of PPD was 15.7%. Patients who were delivered by the vaginal route, who were at earlier gestational age at delivery, and who needed neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) care for their babies were significantly more likely to develop PPD. The risk of PPD during the COVID-19 pandemic was 5.5 times higher in patients who had a previous depressive episode. The PPD risk was 44% lower in women who properly attend regular antenatal care visits. Conclusion: Identification of pregnant women who had a previous depressive episode in their first prenatal visit and ensuring regular attendance of pregnant women to antenatal care visits may help early detection of women who are at high-risk for PPD and taking timely preventive approaches.
  • Öğe
    Perinatal trends and birth outcomes of Syrian refugee and turkish women
    (2022) Şenkaya, Ayşe Rabia; İleri, Alper; Karaca, Suna Yıldırım; İleri, Hande; Ata, Can
    Aim: The impact of migration on health is far-reaching, making migrant populations particularly vulnerable, fueling health inequalities and resulting in serious implications for global health. The aim of our study to assess antenatal care, pregnancy and neonatal outcomes of Syrian refugee women in Turkiye. Material and Methods: Syrian and Turkish pregnants who delivered between 2013-2019 were recruited and categorized into groups according to maternal age at delivery. First trimester combined test, second trimester triple test, preterm delivery, maternal anemia; neonatal stillbirth, APGAR scores, birth weight and breastfeeding status were assessed. Results: 4992 Syrian and 6846 Turkish pregnants were included. Maternal anemia was higher in Turkish patients in 20-34 and ?35 groups. First trimester combined test, APGAR scores and birth weights were lower in Syrian women. Preterm rates higher in Turkish patients in only 20-34 age group. Second-trimester triplet tests were only higher in Turkish women in ?35 age group. Low birth weight was higher in younger Syrian patients. Satisfying breastfeeding results were found in Syrian women. Conclusion: Our study stated that Syrian women are at risk of low birth weight in adolescent and 20-34 age groups and low rates in first trimester combined test in all age groups. However decreased risk of pregnancy complications such as maternal anemia, preterm delivery, cesarean delivery and satisfying breastfeeding results were found in Syrian patients.
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    Pediatric sudden sensorineural hearing loss: etiology, prognostic factors and treatment
    (2022) Altaş, Enver; Atsal, Görkem; Aysel, Abdulhalim; Boyacıoğlu, Hayal; Dalgıç, Abdullah; Yılmaz, Fatih; Müderris, Togay
    Aim: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) may have a negative impact on the language and psychological development of children, especially if it is not diagnosed early and treated promptly. This study were aimed to determine and compare the etiological factors, treatment outcomes and prognostic factors in the pediatric patients who were followed up with the diagnosis of SSNHL. Materials and Methods: The files of 28 children were analyzed retrospectively. In pure tone audiometry, the average of pure tone thresholds of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz were accepted as pure tone averages (PTAV). Patients' recovery status was determined according to Siegel criteria. Audiometric curve types were evaluated as ascending, descending, and flat. Results: The ages of patients with SSNHL was mean ± SD 14.89 ± 3.24 (min-max: 7 and 18). The pre-treatment PTAV was mean ± SD 55.27 ± 12.39 dB HL (min-max: 38.5 and 85.25 dB HL) and the PTAV after treatment was mean ± SD 23.13 ± 18.22 dB HL (min-max: 5 and 72.5 dB HL). Audiometric curve types were detected as descending curve (n: 11, 39.2%), ascending curve (n: 5, 17.9%), flat curve (n: 12, 44.9%). Eighteen (64.3%) patients had complete recovery, 8 (28.6%) patients had partial recovery, and 2 (7.1%) patients had no recovery after the treatment. Conclusion: The response to treatment was found to be high. Descending audiometric curve type was found as a positive prognostic factor. Although the presence of tinnitus was a better prognostic factor than the presence of vertigo.
  • Öğe
    Maternal and neonatal outcomes of couvelaire uterus
    (2021) Ileri, Alper; Karaca, Suna Yildirim; Öztekin, Deniz; Umut, Fethiye; Şenkaya, Ayşe Rabia; Aytaç, Hakkı
    Couvelaire uterus is a life-threatening condition in which placental abruption causes bleeding that penetrates the uterine myometrium. The objective of this study was to determine the risk factors of Couvelaire uterus and maternal and neonatal outcomes. Obstetrics emergency clinic data between January 2013 – December 2019 were screened and placental abruption patients confirmed by pathology or surgery note were recruited. Patients were divided into two groups; with or without Couvelaire uterus. Clinical features; such as maternal age, gravida, parity, gestational age at delivery, comorbidities, chief complaint, ultrasonography examination, placental pathology, degree of placental separation, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), required hysterectomy and transfusion, maternal hemoglobin, maternal or fetal ICU (intensive care unit) admission, neonatal birth weight, APGAR 1’ and 5’ scores were compared. Age, gravida, and parity were significantly higher in patients with couvelaire uterus (p<0.001, p=0.017, p=0.034 respectively). The degree of placental separation was significantly larger and APGAR 1’ and 5’ scores significantly lower in the Couvelaire uterus group (p <0.001). Incident of Couvelaire uterus increases with higher age, gravida, and parity. Neonatal APGAR scores were lower and intrauterine fetal death rates were higher in Couvelaire uterus patients.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of left ventricular systolic and diastolic functions before and after levosimendan administration in patients with heart failure
    (2021) Yurdam, Ferhat; Emren, Zeynep Yapan; Şenöz, Oktay
    Background: we aimed to investigate effect of levosimendan treatment on left ventricle systolic and diastolic parameters with transthoracic echocardiography in patients with heart failure Method: Patients over 18 years old with lower than %35 of ejection fraction and New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III-IV were included. Left ventricle systolic and diastolic parameters before and after levosimendan treatment were compared. Approval was obtained from the local ethics committee of Celal Bayar University Medical Faculty for our study. Results: With levosimendan treatment; E/A ratio(2,25±0,76 vs 1,67±0,75 , p:0,03 ) and E/E’ ratio (23,03±13,60 vs 15,96±8,43 , p:0,01) decreased significantly. Furthermore there was an increase in ejection fraction(20,60±5,65 vs 27,00±7,11 , p:0,01) and A velocity( 0,45±0,14 vs 0,61±0,30 , p:0,03). Conclusion: Levosimendan treatment has an acute favoruble effect in ejection fraction and diyastolic mitral inflow parameters that showed ventricle overload
  • Öğe
    Comparison of hemogram parameters of acute appendicitis wıth those in a previous prenatal visit in pregnant women
    (2022) Denız, Abdulkadir; Karaıslı, Serkan; Coskun, Safak; Sozdınler, Sadik; Bayar, Bahattin; Karayol, Fatih; Kızıloğlu, İlker
    Introduction: Acute appendicitis (AA) is the most common non-obstetric condition which requires surgical intervention during pregnancy. The ai m of the present study is to compare hemogram parameters of AA with those in a previous prenatal visit. Material and Methods: The study included 32 patients with a final pathological confirmation of AA who underwent an open appendectomy between March 2015 and August 2019. Hemogram parameters at the time of diagnosis of AA were compared with those at the time of a previous prenatal visit. Results: The median age was 25 (range, 18-40) years. T he mean white blood cell (WBC), mean neutrophil count, median neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and median platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were significantly higher in AA compared to the prenatal visit (all p<0.05). The mean lymphocyte count was significantly lower in AA (p=0.007). Conclusion: This is the first study in which hemogram parameters at the time of diagnosis of AA and during a previous prenatal visit were compared in the same pregnant patient group at diagnosis of AA. We believe that significantly increased mean WBC, neutrophil count, median NLR, median PLR and decreased mean lymphocyte count compared to the previous prenatal visit may be useful in the diagnosis of AA in pregnant women.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of arrhythmia frequency with Holter electrocardiography in pregnants with palpitation complaints
    (2021) Şenöz, Oktay; Kış, Mehmet
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying etiology and the frequency of arrhythmia by Holter electrocardiography (ECG) in pregnant women with palpitations. Patients and methods: Between January 2019 and March 2021, a total of 64 pregnant women (mean age: 29.1±5.3 years; range, 20 to 46 years) who were admitted to the cardiology outpatient clinic with the complaint of palpitations and had a Holter ECG were retrospectively analyzed. Data including demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients, Holter ECG records, imaging findings, and biochemical data were recorded. Results: The mean systolic blood pressure was 118.7±16.4 mmHg and the mean heart rate was 96.2±18.2 bpm. There was an arrhythmia on Holter ECG in 32 (50%) of the patients. The most common arrhythmias were ventricular extrasystoles in 21.9% and supraventricular tachycardia in 14.1% of the patients. The frequency of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was 4.7%. Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) was detected in two (3.1%) patients. Conclusion: Identifying underlying arrhythmias in pregnant women with palpitation is of utmost importance for both the maternal and fetal health. The incidence of arrhythmias that should be treated in this patient group is too high to be ignored.
  • Öğe
    The effect of maternal anxiety during delivery on birth outcomes
    (2021) Abacı, Hüseyin; Karabulut, Alaattin; İleri, Alper; Aytaç, Hakkı; Öztekin, Deniz Can; Senkaya, Ayse Rabia; Karaca, Suna Yıldırım
    Birth anxiety can be defined as the fear of direct pain, the fear of the birth process. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of anxiety level at the time of birth on the birth process and maternal and neonatal outcomes. Materials and Methods: Anxiety scores of the patients were recorded. Demographic data of the patients, cervical examination findings, place of residence, education level, type of delivery, APGAR score, presence of episiotomy or dehiscence in normal deliveries, 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of labor, analgesia needs, prenatal and postnatal hemoglobin variability were recorded. The patients were divided into two groups as those with low (n=76) and moderate/high (n=24) anxiety levels, and the effect of anxiety level on birth outcomes was compared. Results: 53.9% (n=41) of pregnant women with low level of anxiety were nulliparous, and 91.7% (n=22) of patients with moderate/high level of anxiety were nulliparous (p=0.001). Postpartum hemoglobin change in pregnants with low level of anxiety, was higher than the pregnant women with moderate/high level of anxiety (p=0.00). A statistically significant relationship was found between age and anxiety level, the anxiety score of younger pregnant women was significantly higher (p=0.001). Conclusion: Although we did not find a statistically significant relationship between prepartum anxiety level and fetal and neonatal outcomes in our study, the amount of bleeding was less in pregnant women with low anxiety. We also concluded that previous birth experience and maternal age affect the anxiety score.
  • Öğe
    Defensive medicine in general surgery: a Questionnaire study in Turkey
    (2021) Kebabçı, Eyüp; Ekizoğlu, Oğuzhan
    This study investigated the effects of defensive medicine on the practice of physicians in general surgery Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 30 questions titled “Defensive Medicine in General Surgery” was administered to 229 physicians in general surgery by e-mail. The responses were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: All variables with a statistically significant effect on defensive medicine during univariate analysis were included as candidate factors in multivariate linear regression analysis of defensive medicine. The tendency to adopt defensive medicine practices decreased significantly with an increasing total number of operations performed annually. With increasing degree of regret about working as a general surgeon and increasing scores concerning predictive attitude knowledge-based factors, the tendency to adopt defensive medicine practices also increased significantly. There were no significant correlations between other demographic characteristics and the tendency to adopt defensive medicine practices. Conclusion: Detailed studies on determinant factors identified in this study may aid in resolving problems concerning defensive medicine.
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    İnsan göbek kordonu wharton jölesinden mezenkimal kök hücrelerin eldesinde izolasyon yöntemlerinin ve antioksidatif kültür koşullarının etkisi
    (2021) Sayın, Özge; Akan, Pınar; Şan, Tuğba; Öztekin, Deniz; Güneş, Mehmet Emin; Ergür, Bekir Uğur; Baysal, Kemal
    çoğaltılması rejeneratif tıp uygulamalarının ilk aşamalarından biridir. Terapötik amaçlar için in vitro hücre çoğaltmada, mezenkimal kök hücreleri (MKH)’ nin muhtemelen oksidatif stresi içeren erken yaşlanmaya hızla girmeleri önemli bir sorundur. Klinikte tedavide en yaygın kullanılan hücreler, kemik iliği MKH (Kİ-MKH) olmakla birlikte, göbek kordonu çevresinde yer alan Wharton jölesi MKH (WJ-MKH)’ nin invaziv olmayan şekilde elde edilebilmeleri, doku reddine yol açan proteinleri eksprese etmemeleri ve immünosupresif özellikleri nedeni ile Kİ-MKH’ nden daha kullanışlı olabilecekleri ileri sürülmektedir. Çalışmamız ile WJ-MKH’nin eldesi ve çoğaltılmasında kullanılan izolasyon yöntemlerinin etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması ve anti-oksidatif kültür koşullarının hücre canlılığı ve kök hücrelere özgü yüzey antijen ekspresyonlarına etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya dahil etme kriterlerine uyan toplam 17 sağlıklı gebeden doğum sonrası kordon örnekleri alındı. Wharton jölesinden enzimatik ve eksplant yöntemi ile kök hücreler elde edilerek, hücre canlılıkları ve proliferasyon kapasiteleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Kök hücrelerin, osteoblastlara, kondrositlere ve adipositlere farklılaşma kapasiteleri immunohistokimyasal olarak gösterildi. Hücrelerin çoğaltılması sürecinde CD44, CD73, CD90, CD105 yüzey antijenlerinin dördüncü pasaja kadar anlamlı değişmeden eksprese edildiği saptandı. Antioksidan moleküller N-asetil sistein ve askorbik asit ilavesi ile sağlanan kültür koşullarının hücre canlılığı ve hücre yüzey antijen ekspresyonları üzerine etkisi gösterildi. Sonuç: Wharton jölesinden MKH’lerin izolasyonunda eksplant yönteminin yüzey antijen ifadeleri anlamlı değişmeksizin, daha kısa zaman diliminde elde edilen toplam hücre sayısı nedeni ile enzimatik yönteme göre daha avantajlı olduğu sonucuna varıldı.
  • Öğe
    The effect of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio on mortality in patients followed in the intensive care unit with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke from the emergency department
    (2022) Aygün, Hakan; Şener, Aslı
    The goal of this study was to determine if the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) predicts mortality in patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU) with an ischemic stroke. Between January 1 and December 31, 2021, 116 patients admitted to our emergency department with the diagnosis of ischemic stroke and hospitalized in the 3rd level ICU unit were included in the study and divided into two groups: patients who died (Group 1: n=62) and patients who survived (Group 2: n=54). Patients’ age, gender, presence of chronic diseases, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, and neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, and NLR were obtained by dividing these two numbers in the first complete blood count taken at the time of admission to the emergency department were collected and analyzed. While 54 (46.5%) patients were discharged from the ICU, 62 (53.4%) patients died. 60 (51.7%) of the patients were female. The average age of patients was 76.85±10.70. APACHE II score was found to be correlated with mortality (AUC 0.70, 95% CI (0.616-0.802) (p=0.01). When the APACHE II cut-off value was more than 13.5, it predicted mortality with 95% sensitivity and 85% specificity. The median NLR ratio of the patients was found to be 5.08 (0.38-35.16) in the survivors and 11.68 (1.38-113.00) in patients that died. NLR was lower in survivors (p=0.002). NLR may be a valuable marker in predicting mortality in stroke patients admitted to the ICU.
  • Öğe
    Predictive value of hounsfield unit in urinary system stones applied with eswl
    (2022) Çağlayan, Alper; Horsanali, Mustafa Ozan
    This study claims to examine the relationship between the Housfield unit (HU) value and the success of Electro Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) treatment. Data of 142 patients were evaluated retrospectively in this cross-sectional observational study. The threshold value for stone density is calculated as 991.20 HU in the ROC analysis. The patients are seperated into two groups with respect to this value, and their demographic characteristics, stone characteristics and success rates after ESWL treatment are statistically compared. For the variables that are statistically crucial in the univariate analysis, logistic regression analysis are used as a multivariate analysis. The mean age of all patients were 45.25±11.72 years and the mean body mass index (BMI) is 28.42±3.98 kg/m2. While our stone-free rate was 66.2% in our study, the mean stone size was 11.25±3.83mm, the Hounsfield unit value was 1007.55±337.75 HU, and the stone-skin distance was 108.02±20.02mm, respectively. We observed a crucial difference in between the Housfield unit value and stone size in univariate and multivariate analyzes between the two groups, and the stone-free rate after ESWL. The Hounsfield unit value, measured by the non-contrast computed tomography method, is a parameter for the prediction in success of patients undergoing Electro Shock Wave Lithotripsy treatment. Also, stone density above 991.20 HU in patients having urinary system stone disease requires the evaluation of alternative treatments as a condition that reduces the success of the treatment.
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    Computer aided simulation with finite element analysis of the effect of face mask use against Covid-19 and other infections
    (2022) Gök, Kadir; İnal, Canan; İnal, Sermet; Gök, Arif; Ada, Deniz
    Viruses are the leading infectious diseases. Viruses spread very fast and has a mortal risk to people with chronic diseases. Different methods are being sought to protect against the virus. In this study, the effect of face mask used against Covid-19 and other infections were investigated using finite element analysis. The effects of droplets formed because of cough or sneezing on the masked and without masked human model were analyzed. The human model without mask has a negative effective on the human face. The risk of infection is higher on the unmasked human model than on the masked human model.
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    Prognostic value of dysnatremia in COVID-19 disease
    (2021) Ömeroğlu, Şeyda Kayhan; Öztop, Mehmet Burak
    Objective: The infection of Corona 2019 (COVID-19) had first diagnosed in December 2019 and evolved into a worldwide pandemic in March 2020. In Turkey first diagnose was announced in March 2020. Low costed and easily accessible laboratory parameters needed for predicting the prognosis of this disease as its outcome pattern vary greatly from patient to patient. There is promising data on predicting the outcomes with disnatremic results. Methods: In this study we retrospectively investigated all adults with the diagnosis of COVID-19 who attended to Turkan Ozilhan Hospital over a 3 months period. We evaluated the relation of dysnatremia (hyponatremia as <135 mmol/L or hypernatremia as >145 mmol/L) for need of intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, need of intubation for mechanic ventilatory support and inpatient mortality. Results: one thousand seventy tree patients with COVID-19 [53..9% males (793 patients) and 46.1% females (680 patients), were investigated for this study. Their median age was 53.9 years ranging betweent 19-94. The dysnatremic groups had significantly higher rates of need for ICU and intubation The need for ICU was 89 (21.5%) patients in normonatremic group but 38 (76%) patients in hypernatremic and 71 (64%) in hyponatremic patients (p<0.01 for each of them). The mortality rate was 5% in normonatremic patients but 50% in hypernatremic and 28% in hyponatremic patients (p<0.01 for each of them). Conclusion: In this study we aimed to draw attention to the importance of abnormal sodium levels as a predictive marker in COVID-19. In small town hospitals the physicians should be aware of the risks of disnatremic patients with COVID-19 and take precautions while treating them.
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    Characterıstıc patterns and publıcatıon rates of spıne specıalty theses from postgraduate orthopedıc resıdency (2001-2020) programmes ın Turkey
    (2022) Akçalı, Ömer; Kılıç, Ali İhsan; Şahin, Ertuğrul
    Objective: Preparing specialization theses is mandatory for medical residents to complete their education. This study aimed to investigate the residency theses in the field of the spine and evaluate their publication rates in scientific journals. Materials and Methods: A search of the Council of Higher Education Theses Center database was performed on May 3, 2021. Using a detailed search, the subject division was filtered as “orthopedics and traumatology,” time limitation was set between 2001 and 2020. The Web of Science, PubMed, and Google scholar databases were searched to determine the publication status of theses. The index of journals that published theses were divided into three groups: SCI/SCI-E, ULAKBIM, and other peer-reviewed international indexes. Results: One-hundred and ninety-two theses were included in this study. A total of 75 (39.1%) theses were published. Thirty-eight (19.8%) of theses were published in a journal with SCI/SCI-E index, 19 (9.8%) in the Ulakbim TR index, and 18 (9.4%) in the other peer-reviewed international indexes. Applied science methods had the highest rate of publications (60%). The topic of basic science had the highest rate of publication (52.6%). Conclusion: The publication rates of spine specialty theses are apparently at an acceptable level compared to other studies. It was assessed that the topic of scoliosis was the most preferred subject and we suggest that original subjects who can contribute to the literature is important for the evolution of the spine. The basic research methods had higher publication rates than the clinical research methods.
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    Karydakis procedure without a drain for sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus patients
    (2022) Uylas, Ufuk; Öztop, Mehmet Burak; Sultanoğlu, Bülent; Demirbakan, Kenan
    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus (PS) disease who underwent the Karydakis procedure without any drains. Methods: Ninety-eight patients presenting with PS at our center underwent the Karydakis procedure from September 2017 to April 2018. These patients were evaluated for fluid collection, failure of wound healing, wound infection and dehiscence on the postoperative first, third, the seventh days and the first month. Results: A total of ninety-eight patients underwent Karydakis procedure, of which 84 were males and 14 females. Of the two patients had recurrent disease. Three patients had a serious collection on the third postoperative day. One patient had a wound infection on the seventh postoperative day and drainage was performed. One patient had wound dehiscence on the 10th postoperative day due to local trauma. The remaining 93 patients had normal physical examination findings on the first, third, seventh days and the first month after surgery. Conclusion: We think that not using drains in the Karydakis procedure does not increase the complications. However, drain usage should be weighed according to its costs and benefits in every case, especially in patients with a body mass index greater than 30.